
When it comes to SEO, we often rely on various tools to assist us. Using these tools, we typically make decisions about our SEO strategy. However, the question arises: how reliable are the insights, scores, and data provided by these tools? Is it appropriate to base our decisions solely on these tools? And how do we compare the insights from tools with Google’s recommendations? Let’s explore these aspects.

Understanding Keyword Difficulty and SEO Complexity

Keyword difficulty refers to the level of competition involved in ranking a particular keyword. The lower the keyword difficulty, the easier it is to rank for that keyword. But is keyword difficulty the only factor to consider when selecting the right keywords? The answer is no. Because each tool provides different types of data and the keyword difficulty scores from different tools may never match.

For instance, Ahrefs might show a keyword difficulty of 5 for a specific keyword, while Semrush might indicate a difficulty of 25 for the same keyword. The variations are not limited to these two tools; different tools can provide different difficulty scores for the same keyword.

So, how do you verify the accuracy of the keyword difficulty?

  1. Manual Google Search: Conduct a manual search on Google from the location you want to target.
  2. SERP Analysis: Analyze the Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) to see who is currently ranking, their website authority, indexed pages, and more.
  3. Competitor Coverage: Check how well your competitors on the SERP cover the topic related to the keyword.
  4. Identify Weaknesses: Look for weak sites, social media content, forums, or any user-generated content on the SERP.
  5. Backlink Analysis: Analyse the backlinks of competitors on the SERP and determine how many and from which sources they have acquired.
  6. Topic Authority: Assess the topical authority of competitors on the SERP. This may require more experienced judgment, as no tool can provide this insight.

In conclusion, while keyword difficulty is a crucial factor, it’s essential to perform a comprehensive analysis, manually verify the SERP, and consider various aspects to make informed decisions about keyword selection for your SEO strategy.

Searching Engine Optimizing (SEO) Misconception – Tools vs Google Recommendation

Third-Party Tools

Analysing a website’s traffic can be done using various tools such as SEMrushAhrefsUbersuggestSimilarweb, etc. However, it’s crucial to note that no third-party tool can provide exact data. If you desire precise information, checking Google Analytics is a must. Discrepancies are common, like a site showing 10,000 traffic on one tool but only 5,000 on another.

When making decisions based on third-party tools, keep in mind that exact accuracy is challenging. In such cases, using multiple third-party tools can provide a better understanding of website traffic.

Backlinks – Third-Party Tools

Similar to traffic, we use different tools to check backlinks. However, no third-party tool can guarantee 100% accuracy in displaying all backlinks. The number of backlinks often correlates with a site’s domain authority. Even if some backlinks seem irrelevant, they can still contribute to increasing a site’s domain authority.

Consider a scenario where a site’s backlinks show as 1,000 with 100 referring domains on a third-party tool. However, checking in the search console might reveal 200 backlinks from 25 referring domains.

What does this mean? Google counts only the backlinks it deems relevant, contributing to the exact count of a site’s backlinks. It emphasizes the importance of considering multiple sources and manual checks for a more comprehensive understanding of a site’s backlink profile.

Spam Score

We can check the spam score of a website using tools like MOZ or Ubersuggest. However, it’s essential to understand that these tools are third-party, meaning they are not Google or any search engine. The spam score generally indicates the quality of external or third-party links a website has received. For instance, a website engaging in quality link building will likely have a lower spam score, while a site obtaining links from irrelevant or potentially penalized sources may have a higher spam score.

It’s important to note that a slightly increased spam score doesn’t necessarily mean a website is engaging in spamming activities. A higher spam score indicates the generation of spammy backlinks, which can sometimes be unintentional or manipulated by competitors.

When assessing backlinks or considering the purchase of an expired domain, checking the spam score is common. However, it’s crucial to understand that this spam score is not part of Google’s official guidelines. Many sites have a spam score of over 10 but are not necessarily engaging in spammy practices.

In 2022, Google updated its guidelines on link spamming, making it clear that links from any type of site can be considered spammy. Therefore, relying solely on the spam score to decide whether to give or take a link is not always accurate. It is necessary to evaluate the context and nature of the links.

In conclusion, while a spam score can provide some insights, it’s not the sole determinant for link decisions. Understanding a site’s spam score makes decision-making somewhat easier, but it’s crucial to consider various factors and use it as just one tool in the process.

Domain Authority, Spam Score, and SEO Plugin Signals

Domain Authority:

Tools like MOZ or Ubersuggest allow us to check the domain authority of a website. Domain authority is generally calculated based on the number of sites linking to a particular site and the authority of those linking domains. However, having a high domain authority doesn’t necessarily mean the site is powerful or relevant. Expired domains, even with a high domain authority, may have inactive or less impactful links.

Newly created sites can also have a domain authority of 30/40/50 or even higher if they are built on an expired domain. Therefore, relying solely on domain authority may not be a comprehensive measure for evaluating a site’s potential. It’s crucial to consider relevance and traffic quality along with domain authority when deciding to acquire or give a backlink.

Domain Authority, Spam Score, and SEO Plugin Signals

SEO Plugin Signals:

SEO plugins, often used to fix on-page SEO and other basic technical issues, are considered by beginners as a boss. However, for experts, these plugins serve as assistants. While beginners may blindly follow the guidelines provided by these plugins, experts focus more on applying core SEO principles to their content.

Green signals from SEO plugins are often like Parasitamol, seemingly effective in various situations. Regardless of the content category, these plugins apply similar signals. For instance, if an article is 5,000 words long, the plugin may suggest using a focus keyword 30 times, but in reality, using the focus keyword more than five times may not be necessary.

Experts rarely get concerned about green or red signals from plugins. Instead, they apply SEO core principles tailored to their content, understanding that plugins may not always align with the best practices for a specific piece of content.

In conclusion, while domain authority and SEO plugin signals provide valuable insights, a more holistic approach considering various factors is essential for effective decision-making in SEO and link-building strategies.

Text Readability Score and SEO Writing Tips

In the realm of SEO, tools like Yoast SEO provide a Text Readability Score, offering valuable suggestions for improving the clarity and accessibility of your content. While these suggestions are often logical, their effectiveness can be better understood by native English speakers. For proficient writers, especially those with native proficiency, focusing solely on Yoast’s readability suggestions may not be necessary.

Importance for Beginners and Intermediate Writers:

However, for beginners and intermediate-level writers, checking the Text Readability Score is crucial. By following a few basic guidelines, one can enhance the readability score effectively. Some of these guidelines include:

  1. Writing articles with simple sentences.
  2. Using more active sentences.
  3. Keeping each paragraph short (within 150 words).
  4. Incorporating transition words generously.
  5. Using short subheadings whenever possible.
  6. Avoiding uncommon or less familiar words.
  7. Ensuring that each paragraph begins without repetitive words or sentences.

By incorporating these principles, beginners and intermediate writers can significantly improve the readability score of their content.

SEO Writing Tips:

It’s essential to recognize that SEO tools serve as helpful assistants rather than absolute authorities. Green signals from SEO plugins can be compared to a pain reliever; they might seem effective in various situations. However, experts rarely get concerned about these signals and prefer applying core SEO principles tailored to their content.

In conclusion, while SEO tools provide valuable insights, the core recommendations from Google Search Central should guide our decision-making. Balancing tool-dependent insights with Google’s recommendations ensures a more comprehensive and effective approach to SEO writing.

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